We all know:
We are racing at full speed towards the abyss! That is obvious to everyone.

The future is not set in stone. We write it – with our thoughts, words and actions – every moment, every second and every day anew. And that is why the decisive turnaround is still possible. But not with hesitant waiting or watching.

Now is the time to act:
We have to act decisively – pull together – with united forces.

You and us:
The SanTerris World Project is designed to pool the strength, heart and creativity of those who really want the turnaround and are willing to commit to it. As a humanitarian project, it provides the platforms for the new era. If you also give your best, we can make it happen.

Are you with us?


The core question we ask ourselves every day is: What can we do – here & now – to contribute to making the planet a brighter place?

If we succeed together in ensuring that most people worldwide are aware of these questions continuously and focus on doing their best to find the right answers, then we will succeed – hopefully still in time – in bringing about the decisive turnaround for our planet and for us.

To do this, we must all stop closing our eyes, ears and hearts to what is dragging us straight into the abyss. The best way to do this is for everyone to start with themselves and then carry their light into the world.


Our contribution: With SanTerris World we want to support all those who want to help people, animals and our planet. SanTerris World is the platform for all those who wish for a planet full of light and want to work for it. Our services are designed to:


Inform, inspire and motivate people

If we feel alone, the questions defined above would seem unsolvable and superhuman. They would lead to frustration and resignation. As part of a community, however, in exchange with like-minded people, we can develop creative solutions, inspire and motivate each other.


Steering and keeping the focus

The platforms, content, discussions - everything always brings the questions described above into focus - and of course the answers of the individual people. And these answers can be very different, individual and creative, depending on the situation and the country. There is no right or wrong in advance. What is decisive is the will to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.


Initiating and coordinating projects

This results in a multitude of projects that are devised and braught to life by people all over the world. SanTerris provides the platforms for ideas, communication and support.


Providing structure, platforms and know-how

This provision of platforms is the logical step for us to connect as many like-minded people and companies as possible. This creates the maximum effect for people, animals and our  planet.

Starts 2021

SanTerris Community

At you will find a social media platform where like-minded people can meet, exchange, inform, inspire and motivate each other. Here it is all about people who want to make a positive contribution to the planet.

SanTerris Marketplace brings together consumers and suppliers of products and services which fulfill the following criteria: they are produced ethically, ecologically, are vegan and animal friendly.

More to come

Over time, this will develop into other services and platforms that are meaningful to the SanTerris mission and those involved: Learning platform, job platform, news portal etc.

Nobody is perfect - but you can do your best!

Now we need you! But keep in mind: nobody is perfect. Don’t be too hard on yourself. And don’t burden yourself with all the world’s pain.

Also don’t just look away either. Do your best, whatever that might be is absolutely enough. The results of you actions will show themselves over time, so remember to stay humble.

Take Care and Celebrate Life!

And now you can see how the SanTerris motto “Take Care and Celebrate Life” unfolds: Yes it is our job to take care of ourselves, our fellow human beings, the animals and our planet. We are meant to be the guardians and protectors. But it is also equally important to celebrate the incredible gift of our lives and the colourful, vibrant creation.

Unbeatable together

Let’s use the power, wisdom and love of a strong group for our common goals. We motivate and inspire each other, with our consistent behaviour we can stop the ills and together we share the joy of a planet full of light.

Are you in? We are looking forward to welcome you into our projects.